Wednesday Day 139 3-2-11
Jeremiah 1:5
I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born, I set you apart.
Remember when I talked about possibly maybe doing TheCall Institute? For about a month, I had decided not to and to instead attend FSM (school of minsitry), but God made it clear last night that TheCall is probably the best desicion for me. Here's what happened.
I know a girl, Emma, who was in FITN last track and is now in TheCall. I was talking with her and at one point she said, "I am having an awesome time, but if you aren't specifically called to it, you won't enjoy being in the institute because it is very intense." When she said "it" I thought she was talking about the institute itself. But last niht at dinner, my friends and I were talkign about Nazarite vows and being a Nazarite. It brought up the question again in my heart, "Well, is FSM really the right thing for me to do?". I hated that question. It made me feel so uncomfortable. I struggled with it all night in the prayer room until about 20 minutes before leaving, God spoke to me. He said, "Katie, after your vow (not dating for 3 years) is complete, that doesn't mean you are done being a Nazarite." Then I realized tht when Emma said "it" she meant being called to be a Nazarite. (When I told all this to my roomate, she said, "Oh I knew that's what Emma meant!" Gee, thanks for telling me now!). Then God took me back over my 18 years and showed me how my entire life I have been set apart (which what being a Nazarite means). He highlighted 5 specefic points.
#1 - My adoption
#2- Being homeschooled for 7.5 years
#3 - Never the "popular" one/socially awkward (which isn't a bad thing, it was just who I was)
#4 - Learning about Nazarite vows, and making one for 3 years (which I broke the last year, hence why I am re-doing it)
#5 - Being called to come to IHOP instead of the usual state university. When I was having a heard time with this, my mentor kept telling me, "Katie, it's because you are being set apart, and it's for a specific reason" (...thanks Dawn)
I didn't just make a vow. Being a Nazarite is who I am.
(P.S. DON'T WORRY - Being a Nazarite and being celibate are two different things. I can still get married, but being a Nazarite is just giving up legitimate pleasures [which, for some people is marriage, but for others, it's things like TV or certain foods etc] in order to search for God more deeply. I still have every intention of walking down the aisle at some point in time :-p)
Thursday Day 140 3-3-11
Psalm 30:11
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothes me with joy.
Today was our second and final day of an inner healing seminar. God did a lot of good stuff in my heart. A lot of crap came up and I let it go. Anyway, the last couple months, I've been asking God about my laugh. For years now, I've felt like my laugh isn't natural. Genuine, yes. But not natural. It would sound different depending on who I was with, and a lot of the time it would feel forced if I wanted to laugh "hard". But today, that changed. The two people leading the seminar are naturally funny people. So we laughed quiet a bit throughout the day. And as God did stuff in my heart, the more my laugh felt different. It felt natural! And when I did laugh, it wasn't just a "hahaha". It would leave a resounding joy in my heart and my heart actually felt healthier afterwards. God gave me beauty for ashes, and joy mourning tonight. He truly did!
Saturday Day 142 3-5-11
Matthew 5:13
You are the salt of the Earth. But what good is salt if it has lost it's flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.
Salt has many purposes, and they can translate to our walk as Christians.
#1 - Salt season - Believers are to be a "spiritual seasoning" that enhances the quality of a tastless world (Job 6:6).
#2 - Salt preserves - Believers are to act as a supernatural "preserving agent" in a world vulnerable to moral and societal decay (Genesis 18:6-19:29)
#3 - Salt heals - Believers are to seek out and bring the healing benefits of redemption to a sick and dying world.
#4 - Salt is a diuretic - Believers are to live so as to make people around them "thirst" for something they didn't realize was missing
#5 - Salt is precious commodity - In the ancient Chinese trade, an ounce of salt used to be equal to an ounce of gold. As believers we ar to walk in the confidence of our worthto God, displayed in the price He paid for us. We are precious to Him!!!!
#6 - Salt is a ratifying agent - The Arabic word for salt is the same as the word for a compact or a treaty. Believers enter covenant with God through the mutual sacrifice of laying down of lives.
#7 - Salt is a de-icing agent - Believers help those around them in a cold world by warming their hearts with the power of God's love.
What qualifies as seasoned salt vs. flavorless salt (relating to Christians)? This is my opinion.
"Actions speak louder than words"
I used to live by this quote. But really, I think it leads a lot of believers down the wrong path when it comes to sharing their faith. The book of James tells us that faith without works is dead. I think this also is the with our words and our actions.
Many Christians today take this quote to heart an barely say anything about what they believe. They like to show their Christianity by the way they live. But honestly, I know athiests who don't drink, sleep around, or do drugs. They are "good people". It's my conviction that yo ureally aren't doing anything unless you open your mouth and speak. It's only when your actions match what you say, will they then themselves speak loud and clear.
Colossians 4:6 says
Let your speech be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how to answer.
Speaking the truth in love releases grace to thsoe who recieve it.
Proverbs 15:4 says
Gentle words are a tree of life.
James chapter 3 talks about our tounge having the power of life or death. If we can speak truth and life to somebody's heart, why shouldn't we? It's like having the cure for cancer but not telling anybody. I don't think Christians today grasp the urgency of sharing the gospel. Heck, I'm only starting to grasp it.
Conflict. That's one thing that I hate. That's the primary thing that has kept me from talking with most people. But guess what? There is a difference between being a passive "peace-keeper" and being an active "peace-maker".
Matthew 10:34-39 says
(Jesus speaking) "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set man against his father...He who loves his father more than Me is not worthy of Me..."
Jesus came to bring conflict. Why? He loved people too much to leave them in a state of disagreement with the Father's love, without giving them an opportunity to change. Jesus wasn't afraid of making war to establish lasting peace (Revelation 19:11). To make peace we sometimes have to talk about the elephant in the room. However, by doing so, we are the children of God! (Matthew 5:9)
I believe it is our speech that determinds weather or not we are seasoned or flavorless. I don't know about you, but I would love to be called a child of God! :)